Cutlist Excel VBA Integration

The code for the macro is split into a couple of different bits, the main Sub is the CutListHandler - this is the function called when the generate cutlist button is pressed:

Sub CutListHandler()
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Cut List")

    'Set kerf
    Dim kerf As String
    kerf = ws.Cells(2, 12)

    'Set output last row
    Dim lastRow As Long
    lastRow = 0

    Dim x As Integer

    'First do the available materials table

    'Subtract the header rows from the number of filled table rows
    Dim NumRows As Long
    NumRows = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - 3

    ' Get a collection of all of the material types
    Dim MaterialsCol As New Collection
    Set MaterialsCol = MaterialsList(ws, "D" & x + 4 & ":" & "D" & NumRows + 4)

    For Each Material In MaterialsCol
        If Len((Material)) Then
            Dim Parameters As Collection
            Set Parameters = GenerateParameters((Material), ws, NumRows)

            If Len(Parameters("availableStock")) And Len(Parameters("desiredPieces")) Then
                Dim Response As WebResponse

                Set Response = GenerateCutlist(Parameters("availableStock"), Parameters("desiredPieces"), kerf)

                lastRow = ResponseOutput(Response, ws, lastRow)
            End If
        End If

End Sub

The first custom function is the MaterialsList function, which gets the available materials from the table in your sheet:

'Get a unique list of materials
Function MaterialsList(ws As Worksheet, MaterialListRange As String) As Collection
    Dim MaterialsListColumn As Range: Set MaterialsListColumn = ws.Range(MaterialListRange)

    Dim MaterialsDictionary As New Dictionary
    For Each c In ws.Range(MaterialListRange)
        If MaterialsDictionary.Exists(c.Value) = False Then
            MaterialsDictionary.Add c.Value, 1
        ElseIf MaterialsDictionary.Exists(c.Value) Then
            MaterialsDictionary(c.Value) = MaterialsDictionary(c.Value) + 1
        End If
    Next c

    Set MaterialsList = New Collection

    With MaterialsDictionary
        For Each k In .Keys
            MaterialsList.Add k
        Next k
    End With
End Function

The next function - GenerateParameters - makes the parameters array to be passed to the cutlist API:

'Generate the parameter strings (available and products) for a given material type
Function GenerateParameters(Material As String, ws As Worksheet, NumRows As Long) As Collection
    Dim materials() As String
    'ReDim materials(NumRows, 4)

    Dim x As Long: x = 0

    ' Count the number of available boards of the passed material type
    For Each c In ws.Range("A" & x + 4 & ":" & "A" & NumRows + 4)
        If c.Offset(0, 3) = Material Then
            x = x + 1
        End If
    Next c

    'Create an array to hold all of the material boards
    ReDim materials(x, 4)
    x = 0

    'Fill the array with parameter data
    For Each c In ws.Range("A" & x + 4 & ":" & "A" & NumRows + 4)
        If c.Offset(0, 3) = Material Then
            materials(x, 0) = "'name': """ & c & """"
            materials(x, 1) = "'length': " & c.Offset(0, 2)
            materials(x, 2) = "'quantity': -1"
            materials(x, 3) = "'cost': """ & c.Offset(0, 4) & """"
            x = x + 1
        End If
    Next c

    'Turn that array into an API parameter string
    Dim joinedInfo() As String
    ReDim joinedInfo(x)
    For i = 0 To x - 1
        For j = 0 To 3
            If j = 0 Then
                joinedInfo(i) = "{" & materials(i, j)
                joinedInfo(i) = joinedInfo(i) & "," & materials(i, j)
            End If
        Next j
        joinedInfo(i) = joinedInfo(i) & "}"
    Next i

    Dim availableStock As String: availableStock = "[" & Left(Join(joinedInfo, ","), Len(Join(joinedInfo, ",")) - 1) & "]"

    Debug.Print (availableStock)

    'Then do the desired pieces table

    'Subtract the header rows from the number of filled table rows
    NumRows = ws.Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - 3

    x = 0
    Dim Products() As String

    For Each c In ws.Range("G" & x + 4 & ":" & "G" & NumRows + 4)
        If c.Offset(0, 2) = Material Then
            x = x + 1
        End If
    Next c

    If x Then
        ReDim Products(x, 2)
        x = 0

        For Each c In ws.Range("G" & x + 4 & ":" & "G" & NumRows + 4)
            If c.Offset(0, 2) = Material Then
                Products(x, 0) = "'length': " & c
                Products(x, 1) = "'quantity': " & c.Offset(0, 1)
                x = x + 1
            End If
        Next c

        ReDim joinedInfo(x)
        For i = 0 To x - 1
            For j = 0 To 1
                If j = 0 Then
                    joinedInfo(i) = "{" & Products(i, j)
                    joinedInfo(i) = joinedInfo(i) & "," & Products(i, j)
                End If
            Next j
            joinedInfo(i) = joinedInfo(i) & "}"
        Next i

        Dim desiredPieces As String: desiredPieces = "[" & Left(Join(joinedInfo, ","), Len(Join(joinedInfo, ",")) - 1) & "]"
        desiredPieces = ""
    End If

    Debug.Print (desiredPieces)

    Set GenerateParameters = New Collection
    GenerateParameters.Add availableStock, "availableStock"
    GenerateParameters.Add desiredPieces, "desiredPieces"
End Function

GenerateCutlist is the actual API calling function, it passes neccessary data to the API and returns the WebResponse:

Function GenerateCutlist(availableStock As String, desiredPieces As String, kerf As String) As WebResponse
    If (Len(availableStock) And Len(desiredPieces)) Then
        Dim CutClient As New WebClient
        CutClient.BaseUrl = ""

        ' Create a WebRequest for getting CutList information
        Dim CutListRequest As New WebRequest
        CutListRequest.Resource = "generate.cutlist.1d"
        CutListRequest.Method = WebMethod.HttpPost

        ' Set the request format
        ' -> Sets content-type and accept headers and parses response
        CutListRequest.Format = WebFormat.Json
        CutListRequest.ResponseFormat = WebFormat.Json

        ' Replace {format} segment
        CutListRequest.AddUrlSegment "format", "json"

        ' Add querystring to the request
        CutListRequest.AddQuerystringParam "apiKey", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
        CutListRequest.AddQuerystringParam "availableStock", availableStock
        CutListRequest.AddQuerystringParam "desiredPieces", desiredPieces
        CutListRequest.AddQuerystringParam "kerf", "" & kerf & ""
        CutListRequest.AddQuerystringParam "algorithm", "legacy"
        CutListRequest.AddQuerystringParam "lengthUnit", "inches"

        Dim Response As WebResponse
        Set Response = CutClient.Execute(CutListRequest)

        Set GenerateCutlist = Response
    End If
End Function

The response is then output to the Required Matierals list by the ResponseOutput function:

Function ResponseOutput(Response As WebResponse, ws As Worksheet, lastRow As Long) As Long
    'This clears the Required Material table (currently hardcoded to clear 96 rows)
    'Only occurs on first run
    If lastRow = 0 Then
    End If

    'Set the output row and column for the first "Required Parts" cell (Currently N4)
    Dim OutputColumn As Integer
    OutputColumn = 14
    Dim OutputRow As Integer
    If lastRow = 0 Then
        OutputRow = 4
        OutputRow = lastRow
    End If

    For Each board In Response.Data("availableStock")
        If board("quantityConsumed") + 0 > 0 Then
            'Outputs board name (SKU)
            ws.Cells(OutputRow, OutputColumn) = board("name")
            'Get price for the SKU from available material table
            ws.Cells(OutputRow, OutputColumn + 1) = ws.Cells(ws.Range("A:A").Find(board("name")).Row, 5)
            'Outputs quantity consumed (QTY)
            ws.Cells(OutputRow, OutputColumn + 2) = board("quantityConsumed") + 0

            OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
        End If
    Next board

    ResponseOutput = OutputRow
End Function

With a bit of effort, this should be enough information for you to integrate Jonathan Overholt's cutlist API into your own Excel projects.

Thanks for taking a look! Please contact me with questions or suggestions: [email protected]