Hi, I'm Ian Tucker!

Somehow you've stumbled upon this website. Either I provided you with a link or you performed a particularly specific web search. Either way, feel free to explore a bit - you'll find out what I'm up to, see examples of my work, and maybe learn a thing or two.

First thing's second (the headers come first): I'm Ian, I work at Lumber Traders Incorporated in Port Angles, where I primarily do web development - but oftentimes I'll also do a bit of general IT (my printer's broke...), database analytics (can you grab a list of our top 300 customer who purchased both a sack of concrete and a cookie...) or just other stuff. When I'm not working, I play video games or fix electronics - both are hobbies, but one is more expensive and time-consuming.

Before I went full-time here, I was doing double-duty as an intern and student at Western Washington University's extension campus over in Poulsbo, WA. I was the first graduate from that location's Computer Information Systems Security program (now just called Cybersecurity) and graduted Magna Cum Laude and distinguished as the whole program's Outstanding Graduate in Cybersecurity.

The studying and the work have both led me down a path of computer programming - so if you'll follow the Project link above you can see some of my work. One day, I'm hoping to combine my security and programming aptitudes together to build a robotic night-shift security guard - complete with segway and taser. In the meantime, hit me up with offers if you're employing developers or security analysts.